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– Epis0de 1451 –

Emotionally Grabbing Videos

Segment 1 (0:00) – Todd plays emotional-grabbing videos. “First Date” Daddy dates his little girl. Todd asks for your reaction: sweet memories? No such memories because God has something else for you, so you feel sad? Or as a Dad, you blew it. Remember God forgives sin, call daughter, confess your failure and do better. Remember the Gospel. You can feel bad, but not guilty. Jesus bore your guilt. Todd plays a short clip of the “Bride’s Special Dance.”

Segment 2 (8:38) – “Bride’s Special Dance” continued: Bride and father dance is not possible because the bride’s father is deceased. Her brother sings “Butterfly Kisses” while uncles and grandfather dance with the bride. Lyrics in question: “With all that I have done wrong, I must have done something right…” Todd & Adrian agree that lyric could have been more Christ exalting. “Who am I?” Todd asks when you see all that God says you are in Christ, does that make you feel good, or my conservative Christian friend, does that make you feel the opposite? Discussion coming up next.

Segment 3 (17:15) – “Who am I” discussion continued. If you are outside of Christ, your father is the devil. If you are in Christ, you are loved by the Father as much as He loves the Second Person of the Trinity. Does that stir you at all? Those of us on the conservative side recoil because we have seen the abuse of God’s love by false teachers. We are being robbed of the true love of God when we are “in Christ”. Todd asks the conservative to set aside those feelings and listen again to “Who am I.” Conclusion: You are the beloved of God. You are in Christ. You are His and He loves you. Don’t let the false teachers rob you of those promises.