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– Episode 1434 –

Matthew 12, Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs

Segment 1 (0:00) – Do we serve the law or does the law serve us?  Immigration issue. Some say send home and some say break law trace mercy. In Matthew 12, Jesus shows some laws can be broken (working on sabbath).  This law was not serving the people.  Maybe this is true with immigration today.

Segment 2 (9:10) – Reconsider our hardline approach to immigration.  Jesus teaches us to set aside a law to have mercy and compassion for people.  Video clip of Roy Beck showing the worlds poverty by using gumballs.  The world’s poorest do not immigrate to USA.  5.6 billion people are poorer than Mexicans.

Segment 3 (18:31) – What should we do?  The USA cannot make a difference in the world poverty.  It would be more helpful to help those poor people in their country.