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– Episode 1450 –


Segment 1 (0:00) – Are our electronics making us irritable?  Well, we are going to contribute to your short attention span with the Ten2ndRule videos that teach Biblical lessons in 10 seconds. I Cor. 5:6 – Have you noticed how one person’s sinful attitude can set the tone for the home, the church, etc. Likewise a good attitude with right behavior can create a better atmosphere?  Phil. 2:3 – Do nothing out of selfish ambition of conceit.  James 4 – Why do we fight? Because you do not have what you desire and you NEED IT! But we have everything we need in Christ.  Look to the Cross which reminds us we deserve nothing but wrath. It will produce humility and we will esteem others better than ourselves.

Segment 2 (9:13) – Song of Solomon 2:4, How do you treat your spouse?  The gospel! You can esteem others better than yourself when you realize you are the worst sinner because God sent His Son to die for you. Matt. 23:24 – The pharisees not understand the use of the law that was for the purpose of the flourishing of the people.  Todd explains the difference between positive laws and moral laws and how mercy, compassion and kindness can be applied to positive laws.

Segment 3 (18:51) – Todd gives an example to explain how positive laws can be applied to immigration. Under certain circumstances the positive law can be laid aside temporarily because of mercy and compassion. Last Ten2ndrule: Hebrews 9:27 “it is appointed unto man to die once and after that comes the judgement.” Examine yourself and then look around to others and share the Gospel with them.