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– Episode 1452 –

Witnessing at Georgia Tech

Segment 1 (0:00) – Todd gets right to the subject of truth when Ryan, a Methodist, can’t clearly explain the Trinity.  Ryan thinks good works will get one to heaven regardless of his religion.  Todd explains how we can know the Bible is true and we can know we are right with God through Christ Jesus.

Segment 2 (7:56) – Todd asks a student, studying to be a rocket scientist, what is the Gospel?  He couldn’t articulate it from his Catholic background.  Todd gives him the Good Person test followed by the good news.  The student listened, but didn’t believe it, and still thinks being a good person will qualify one for heaven.

Segment 3 (15:35) – A Hindu student willingly talks to Todd.  The student responds when asked about God that God was believable if one could feel God, but if not, no, God is not real (very subjective).  As Todd establishes guilt before God with the Hindu, he remains convinced his good deeds will outweigh his bad deeds.