– Episode 1412 –
Creation Museum- Evolution Flaws with Mike Riddle
Segment 1 (0:00) – At Creation Museum- interview with Mike Riddle about evolution. You need to start your witness encounters with bringing down secular ‘strongholds’ 2 Cor 10:4-5. Some in the church say maybe God used evolution and try to account for it. Polemic for the Bible – since everything on earth is losing energy we could not exist now. Evolutions cannot explain the beginning of the world.
Segment 2 (7:49) – Interview with Georgia Purdom, a molecular geneticist. Talk about the evolutionist’s claim that human and chimp DNA is 2% different. Not true. Chimps have 12% more DNA than humans, so the difference has to be at least 12%. Scientists are thinking it is more like 20%. Also a logical fallacy with chromosomes. Chimps have 48 and Humans have 46. Evolutionist’s say that there was a fusion of chromosomes and there is some evidence that there could be a fusion with humans chromosomes, logical fallacy is that you cannot assume that it was fused for evolving into humans. Another fallacy is Ancient Repetitive Elements. We have the same creator so it makes sense that some DNA patterns are the same.
Segment 3 (15:46) – Interview with Ken Ham. Talked about his book, Already Gone. How kids leave the church, and statistics show its at the end of high school, before university. Statistic showing that kids who consistently went to Sunday school left the church more often then those who went sporadically. Ken Ham states we need to have more apologetics in Sunday school.
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