– Episode 1417 –
Does God Help Those Who Help Themselves?
Segment 1 (0:00) – Most quoted phrase that is not in the bible, God helps those who help themselves. Video clip WWUTT “Rely on the Lord”. Three reasons given for why it is not biblical. Video of Publishers Clearing House delivering $1 million. Person called it a miracle.
Segment 2 (10:14) – It’s a cliche that has to go. Nice people work hard and nothing happens. Role play showing examples of this.
Segment 3 (16:52) – Video clip Nornitube- everyone wants to help a well dressed person who falls on street and asks for help. No one stops for the homeless looking person with the same scenario. Talks about $1 million dollar winner. Not a miracle, because it is defined as something that happens outside the law of nature. Reason for miracles were to prove he was God. people cannot do miracles. The money did come from God, but it was not a miracle.
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