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– Episode 1415 –

Hollywood and the Bible

Segment 1 (0:00) – Movie “Obvious Child” – abortion is object of this movie.  Secular ideas talk about abortion light-heartedly instead of shameful.  God gave us shame so that in a bad situation we feel shame.  Movie “Mom’s Night Out”.  Critics say it puts women back years and it is deplorable.

Segment 2 (7:55) – Entertainment- it shows us what is going on in the culture at the time when the movie was made. The most recent “Left Behind” with Nicholas Cage.  Todd makes the observation that Christian dialogue cannot be delivered by a non believer.  Movie “The Biggest Question”.  Movie trailer showing 3000 copies being handed out in the Philippines.

Segment 3 (17:01) – Teaching the Bible in school is necessary.  Mindfulness is being taught in public schools.  Breathing techniques and clearing your mind is the basis for mindfulness.  It comes from Buddhism.  Bible says we should not do this because we are open to demons if we have open minds.  Christians learn thru a concrete source, we open up to the truth.  That is why Hinduism (yoga) and Christianity does not go together.