– Episode 1409 –
Interview with Dr. Mortenson about the Flood
Segment 1 (0:00) – At Creation Museum. interview Dr. Menton. Shows evolution believers best evidence is the bones of Lucy. 40% of Lucy bones that were found were on display at Creation museum. Discuss why these are not human bones.
Segment 2 (7:35) – Continue interview with Dr. Menton and looking at Lucy bones. Looking at hip bones, Dr. Menton says it is an ape bone. Then they discuss Neanderthal man and why he isn’t human. The point is made that one set of bones does not say what whole race is.
Segment 3 (15:42) – At Creation Museum, interview with Dr. Terry Mortenson. Talk about the flood, was it a local or worldwide flood. Flood was due to sin. Why would Noah need an ark if it was a local flood. Geologically the whole world flood is supported by the fossils of animals and plants in the sedimentary layer found all the earth. Secularists talk about the fossils are the results of catastrophic events. Talked about how different earth was before the flood. Talked about how dating of fossils are done by looking at the the rock layers, not the individual item. Also discuss the errors in the dating methods.
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