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Discerning and Avoiding Gossip

– Episode 1285 – Discerning and Avoiding Gossip Segment 1 (0:00) – Tale Bearing, pastor preaches from a horse. Segment 2 (6:25) – Rules for discernment in regard to gossip. Segment 3 (15:42) – 2 Gossip...

Ten2ndRules and Hermeneutics

– Episode 1286 – Ten2ndRules and Hermeneutics Segment 1 (0:00) – Ten2ndRules: Authorial Intent, Stopping an Affair Before It Begins. Segment 2 (8:49) – More gossip discernment and Ten2ndRules. Segment 3 (18:40) – More...

Todd Open Air Preaching at UGA

– Episode 1289 – Todd Open Air Preaching at UGA Segment 1 (0:00) – Todd debates Islam vs. Christianity with a Muslim girl. Segment 2 (12:06) – Todd debates reality with a college student. Segment 3 (20:08) – Todd gets called rude and...