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– Episode 1079 –

Does Evolution Mix with the Bible? The Short Answer: No. The Long answer: Noooooooooooo.

Segment 1 (0:00) – An interview with a young man who believes in evolution.  Todd shows the absurdity of something coming from nothing over a long period of time. He interviews a young man he doesn’t stay on the topic of creation vs. evolution because the problem isn’t intellectual knowledge it is sin.  He also talks about the reality of Hell.

Segment 2 (7:46) – Todd with the help of Kevin DeYoung shows the errors of trying to make the evolutionary worldview mix with the biblical world view.

Segment 3 (16:40) – Todd Finishes the interview with the young man showing that the position of the atheist and those in the evolutionary worldview don’t believe it because they know it. They believe it for the same reason that they accuse us of believing it because we were indoctrinated not because we looked at the clear evidence of the word of God. Todd also shows how to break down a worldview.