– Episode 1030 –
Lutheran Extremism and Islamic Terrorism
Segment 1 (0:00) – Lutheran Extremism – the tragedies around the world by Lutheran Extremists. How postmoderns won’t even label these. The Fort Hood Massacres and how our society doesn’t want to label it as it is – violence from a Muslim extremist, but want to label it as ‘workplace violence’. The experiences of several soldiers at Fort Hood as they encountered the Muslim extremist, Nidel Hasan. We need to label this as terrorism.
Segment 2 (10:00) – More on Lutheran Extremism. Must avoid Lutheranophobia. It’s kooky in terms of Lutheranism, but that’s what we are dealing with in how our society handles Muslim extremism. We are continually being told of the ‘religion of peace’, not about the terrorism. The incident of the approved subway posters and the journalist (Mona Eltahawy) who was molested by Muslims.
Segment 3 (16:02) – What did the government know about Major Hasan before the massacre? Al-Awlaki exchanged emails with Major Hasan and the emails were all downplayed. Huge red flags in the emails. He was referencing suicide attacks and how they were justified. Soldiers who fought Hasan were not recognized for what they did. Instead it was all labeled as ‘workplace violence.’ It needs to be called Islamic terrorism.
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