– Episode 1031 –
Richard Dawkins Says That Religion Doesn’t Teach Anything
Segment 1 (0:00) – What if there were no authorities, no laws, no moral judgments? Richard Dawkins says that religion doesn’t teach us anything. But if there is no God, there are no morals. Dawkins cites Darwinian evolution with absolute certainty. Florida International University dean says the Bible is a myth. Design without a designer? That’s what was taught 100 years ago. The dean thinks students shouldn’t leave a university while holding to creationism.
Segment 2 (9:30) – Ray Comfort and Jeff Seto’s book “Made in Heaven”. Examples of stealing God’s design. Empirical vs historical science. Richard Dawkins talks about Darwin and design. Dawkins is senseless – Todd talks about how the truth is suppressed in righteousness so they don’t have to deal with God. Darwin wonders why God would conceal himself. But Psalm 19 is clear. Same sort of things happened in John 6 when people kept asking for signs. God gives many signs, but people reject God himself.
Segment 3 (16:45) – What about mosquitos and flies before the Fall? The book “Made in Heaven” and how we are studying mosquitos and flies so we can steal some engineering ideas. Rep. Paul Brown from Georgia speaks on the lies of evolution and how we live on a young earth. That the Bible provides the answers we need. Other examples of how we study God’s creation from “Made in Heaven” – butterflies, the human immune system, and spider webs.
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