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– Episode 1091 –

Women in the Military is not Biblical

Segment 1 (0:00) – Todd talks about whether women should go to war or not. Well….., the answer is no. Todd lays out the case using the bible both directly and indirectly. He shows that a nation that sends women to war is not a noble nation.

Segment 2 (9:25) – Todd talks about the source of all the confusion in our nation on the issue of women going to war. The problem is Post- Modernism. Todd explains Pre modern, modern and post modern. We watch a profound or silly butter dance because you know you create your own meaning whatever.

Segment 3 (16:52) – Todd talks about the practical issues with women going to war. He makes the important point of leading with the bible but then using the practical reasons as support for the bible. don’t use practical reasons as arguments in on themselves.