– Episode 922 –
David Platt: What About Those Who Have Never Heard the Gospel?
Segment 1 (0:00) – The number one objection that atheists have for Christians is the question, will people who have not heard the gospel torment in hell? David Platt responds that people who don’t know Jesus will go to hell, nobody is innocent, everyone has sinned, and everyone needs to hear the gospel in order to be saved therefore missionaries need to evangelize.
Segment 2 (7:40) – Ray Comfort witnessing to an atheist is a demonstration of going and proclaiming the Gospel.
Segment 3 (14:31) – Atheist point to a supposed dispute about the New Testament canon. Michael Kruger explains how the New Testament canon was developed. There was no dispute about the core of the New Testament books. The third big atheist objection is the problem of evil. God allows evil but we should ask ourselves do we deserve anything good. There is moral evil (people acting on their free will) and natural disasters. God controls calamities.
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