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– Episode 944 –

How We Talk to the Culture

Segment 1 (0:00) – The importance of how believers speak about certain topics. To be mindful of how Christians conduct ourselves and to be considerate of the times. Believers need to have a balance between judgement and gentleness.

Segment 2 (9:41) – The goal of how believers deliver the message of the Gospel is to win people to Christ and not to change the public opinion. Believers need to have wisdom in how they deliver the gospel to unregenerates depending on the situation without altering the actual Gospel.

Segment 3 (19:42) – Believers need to consider the intimacy of the relationship when giving admonition. The bigger the relationship the more leeway is given in how the admonition can be delivered; where the relationship is barely present is where the most care is need in how the message is delivered.