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– Episode 884 –

Clean Up the Church Before the Rest of the Country

Segment 1 (0:00) – A new web site on pastor fashion instructing pastors how to look nice by wearing spanx to slim up. While we need to be concerned for the morals in our country, we need to be just as concerned to clean up our own Churches. A book by J. I. Packer gives 6 elements in true reformation, like being Bible centered, being serious about eternal issues, and a passion for God.

Segment 2 (8:35) – Soteriology is confused in our Churches; Pastors believe it is up to them to do the converting. It’s also going on in youth ministry that the kids need to be entertained. A web site for youth pastors gives a list of disgusting activities for children to do to each other that have nothing about Jesus Christ. Preachers are to teach the word and the Holy Spirit will work in the hearts of their flock. J. I Packard’s last 3 elements of true reformation get shown.

Segment 3 (12:47) – How much better off would our world be if the Church gets it act cleaned up. Some Churches do mighty great works for their flock. We need shepherds in the pulpit preaching God’s Word. Preacher Potluck with Tim Challies. Are we willing to guard the Word of God with our lives?