– Episode 919 –
Dan Savage: Bullying and Tolerance
Segment 1 (0:00) – Dan Savage, the creator of “It Gets Better” campaign for sexually confused kids, bullies Christian high school students who disagree with unbiblical homosexual lifestyle. Tolerance highway appears to be a one way street. People will tolerate you as long as you won’t disagree with them. If things go this way we might be on our way to persecution.
Segment 2 (8:07) – “Says who?” What is your source of authority when discerning what is good or bad. Christians should point out logical fallacies of unbelievers when they try to use Christian worldview, values, and logic for their arguments. The question for an unbeliever should be where do you get your morality?
Segment 3 (15:09) – What makes tragedy a tragedy? Historical account of Christ. Christians need to stop letting unbelievers presume that the universe just existed and point out that they need to explain where energy, matter, space and laws came from. The size of the universe.
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