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– Episode 882 –

Grill-A-Christian – Part 4

Segment 1 (0:00) – Has Ryan claiming changes were made to the New Testament, books were removed from it centuries later. Todd gives a brief history of the canonization of the Bible. They debate whether “new” information found pertaining to the NT is valid and belongs in the NT.

Segment 2 (6:23) – A student asks Todd numerous questions on obeying all the laws; legalism, and hermeneutics, the art and science of interpreting scripture. The old and new covenant is questioned as to can we choose which laws to obey and not obey.

Segment 3 (13:38) – If we can’t keep the laws, should we try to follow those laws at all? Todd give the Gospel answer. A student attempts to confuse the issue of the OT laws stoning people to death for violating God’s law to present day interpretation and obedience to the law. Ryan challenges Todd about the changes in the moral absolutes from God in the old covenant to the new covenant.