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– Episode 883 –

Grill-A-Christian – Part 5

Segment 1 (0:00) – The same sin committed against different people, like lying, has different repercussions based on the power of the one being sinned against; so the most powerful Creator then will have the biggest punishment.

Segment 2 (4:14) – A student claims the age of the earth question was resolved by a survey of scientists agreeing the earth is billions of years old. Discussion over the fallacy of historical science. Scientists once believed the earth was 6,000 years old and they changed their minds so science changes but God doesn’t.

Segment 3 (10:39) – Simply having a Creator doesn’t prove Christianity true. If Todd can’t answer a question about the historicity of the Resurrection, should he take it on faith? Todd states that we all have the same set of information available but we draw completely different conclusions; luck and chance or ordered by and Orderer. The Bible ticks off the points pertaining to creation going by the evidence. The Atheists and Agnostics worldview can’t make sense of anything we see. A student questions why couldn’t God lay out a set of ethics better and more clearer like Aristotle and Plato did.