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– Episode 887 –

The Issue of Authority on a Philosophical Level

Segment 1 (0:00) – The issue of authority on a philosophical level. Bill Maher states faith is just an opinion just like anybody’s. But if there is no higher authority then it’s just my opinion against yours. George Taki states religious opinions shouldn’t be allowed into civil law or politics. Our forefathers did not set up our country to be a democracy, but a representative republic.

Segment 2 (8:48) – Outrage over Kirk Cameron’s comments against gay marriage brings numerous public figures out to protest against what he said. Even Michelle Bachmann says to let the people decide with their vote what marriage should be. She defends Kirk’s freedom to express his beliefs, but wants the voters to decide the definition of marriage. Christians need to start proclaiming God and His authority to shape our laws.

Segment 3 (17:00) – Who gets to decide if something is good or bad unless we have an authority that is greater than us. On the show, the View, members chime in with their opinions about Kirk Cameron’s statements and label it hate speech and destructive. If there is no God, then indeed there is no difference between religion and philosophy. It is nothing but opinion. But if God exists and He wrote a Book showing this is what God says then we all must bow the knee.