– Episode 909 –
Persecution of Christians Around the World Is on the Rise
Segment 1 (0:00) – Is Jerusalem the capital of Israel? Muslims want to reclaim Jerusalem as their own. The Muslim Brotherhood are on a goodwill tour of Washington DC.
Segment 2 (8:22) – Boko Haram is enforcing Sharia law around the world through acts of terrorism and slaughter. In Nigeria residents are terrified because the Boko Haram members live among them as friends until they choose to strike. Christians are being slaughtered all around the world. Anyone claiming to follow Christ is at risk. Christians are suffering horrible deaths. In America Islamists are complaining of persecution because Christians are handing out Gospel material.
Segment 3 (15:38) – Street preachers are under attack. Police arrest a street preacher for reading the Bible outside of a closed DMV. The police claim bystanders were compelled to listen. Open air preaching has been a part of the witness of the church since Bible times. During the Reformation it was a main means for sharing the message. The Lollards, Wycliff, Farel and Calvin all used open air preaching to spread the Gospel.
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