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– Episode 872 –

The Christian Role in Government

Segment 1 (0:00) – Chuck Colson advising Christians to stand in civil disobedience to government actions in mandatory dispensing of contraceptives from Christian family planning organizations. Also Rick Santorum speaking on our rights are being replaced by government rights. If government imposes rules on Christians, what does the Bible say we should do? The Bible gives principles that can be applied to every century. We can debate the issues of the day.

Segment 2 (9:08) – What is the role of the Christian in government and in society? The Bible lays out principles that can be applied in our time and place. Has the Church been too involved in government politics and that its resulted in persecution and left a wrong impression on society that Christians are out of touch and irrelevant?  Video from Paul Washer speaking about persecution and to start anticipating it. video with their opinion of Christians being angry and judgmental. An Ellen DeGeneres segment on Christians trying to get J C Penney to drop her as a spokesperson and the backlash against Christians it is causing and her receiving more support because of it.

Segment 3 (18:02) – Shouldn’t we get persecuted for the same reasons the Apostles did? The spreading of the Gospel, and not trying to get people to behave better. Telling people to clean up the outside without a heart change inside and threatening boycotts does not get people saved.