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– Episode 870 –

“Occupy Anti-Abortion” Activists Taking Over a Conference Room

Segment 1 (0:00) – A March for Life youth rally conference was disrupted by a group of people calling themselves “Occupy Anti-Abortion” by shouting pro-choice slogans and holding up pro-choice signs.

Segment 2 (7:26) – Todd discloses a mia culpa on the movie reference from the previous show about how do we deal with the new technological revolution and dealing with its implications. A spoken word video shown of Marshall Soulful Jones, “Touchscreen.” A second mia culpa on Ron Paul, presidential candidate, video answering wrongly a question about abortion after a rape.

Segment 3 (15:00) – A video of The View show discusses a Texas law making a woman see her baby on an ultrasound and hear the heartbeat of her child before an abortion. Their reactions and comments justifying abortion and Todd’s opposing responses to their arguments to justify their pro-choice opinion.