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– Episode 809 –

Celebrity Episode

Segment 1 (0:00) – The variable faith of Steve Jobs.  We do not need to broaden or narrow the road to Heaven. We shouldn’t assume where our loved one went after death. The only way we will ever know for sure is once we are in Heaven with them. Why do we need to minister to the lost? Listen to a well-known atheist’s point of view.

Segment 2 (8:52) – Is religion masquerading as politics? Are we as Christians attempting to put a Christianized version of “sharia” on the world? Have we as a people locked the term republican and Christian into one? Why is proper discernment so important?

Segment 3 (16:36) – Sometimes the prodigies of great preachers are not able to fill the shoes of those who came before them. What happens when the next generation can fill those shoes?