– Episode 804 –
Ed Young and the Circus Church
Segment 1 (0:00) – What do “circus churches” look like?…well take a good look. Has church become more spectacle than Gospel? Does God need props to get through to the modern world. Looking back to where much of this began; it may surprise you.
Segment 2 (8:47) – From bad to worse; continuing our examination of prop preaching. What it looks like when we change the tune; because we believe we know better than the author. Those in ministry should be suspicious, and cautious in what they do in church; asking “who is getting the attention: me or God?” Church is not a gig for pastors and musicians.
Segment 3 (17:57) – How bad could prop preaching possibly get; you probably don’t want to know. Is cage fighting the new praise and worship? The sad means we will go to in order to keep people coming back; even erotic performances from the praise team? Again, are all eyes on God, or the performers.
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