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– Episode 790 –

Are You Willing to Stand With the Gospel as Your Only Foundation?

Segment 1 (0:00) – Can you smell the irony? Why is Christianity attacked so heavily today? Is the response of the Christian different than that of other false religions when we are attacked? We know that Biblical Christians stand their ground, yet do not lash back at the world as it bombards us; so why are we so hated?

Segment 2 (7:02) – If we compare the “health and prosperity” message to that of what is happening to Christians around the world; why does it look so differently? They teach “come to Jesus and great things will happen” yet Christians are mocked, attacked and die every day from persecution occurring around the world. This brings to mind the importance of learning apologetics.

Segment 3 (15:40) – Do we try and convince people to go see the Doctor just because he loves them when they don’t realize they are even sick? This is how we often act in ministry today. People do not get that they are wretched sinners, and desperately in need to be saved from Gods wrath; they often think God is just love, and He will love them, and they know they are saved because of His love. Pastor, are you a life coach; or a man proclaiming the hard Biblical Truth?