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– Episode 722 –

Eric Ludy talks on the Emergent Church, Postmodernism, and the NOOMA Effect

Segment 1 (0:00) – Video of Eric Ludy from showing Eric’s passion for preaching the Gospel.  Eric is discussing the “emergent church movement”. They did not go away. They have scattered and are infiltrating more conservative churches. God said what He intended in the Bible and He meant for it to last from generation to generation. When you hear someone say “Did God really say that?” beware.

Segment 2 (9:21) – More video of Eric Ludy talking about the postmodern mindset and the emergent church movement.  The NOOMA effect: Christian ideas, Christian terminology packed with artistic brilliance. Many assume that if someone can package it well then they must know the truth.

Segment 3 (17:58) – Have we let American ideals invade our religion?  The American idea of freedom and personal rights is affecting our church membership because those ideas are infiltrating how we think about our religion. The church however should be about submission. We are dirt mixed with sin and we should remember that.  Only when we remember our place do we then correctly submit to God and the Bible.