– Episode 723 –
Warnings About Gossip
Segment 1 (0:00) – You can learn from other people as good examples and bad examples. Anthony Weiner would be someone who sets a bad example. Not good to gossip about Anthony Weiner. There is a fine line between correctly sharing information and gossip. Clips of Anthony Weiner’s news conference. Do I, as a Christian, forgive him?
Segment 2 (9:01) – Anthony Weiner said what he did was a terrible mistake: What he did was more than just a mistake. These were sins. Anthony Weiner said he was sorry to his family: Apologizing should not just be a cursory apology. There should be a transaction of forgiveness that takes place. Don’t just say “I’m sorry” say “Will you forgive me?” Anthony Weiner said what he did was just a joke: Don’t rewrite your sin trying to downplay it.
Segment 3 (16:54) – Did you forgive Anthony Weiner? Did you put a contingency on forgiveness? Did God wait for you to clean yourself up before he forgave you? He forgave us while we were yet sinners. God can read your heart. We should forgive just as we have been forgiven. How do you get over a pornography addiction? When you remember that Jesus died on the cross for you why would you want to look at dirty pictures?
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