– Episode 713 –
Celebrities who Abandon God
Segment 1 (0:00) – Brad Pitt declares he doesn’t need God. Romans 8 All things work together for our good for His glory. Steven Tyler talks in his book about feeling guilty after witnessing his girlfriend’s abortion. Abort73.com video about Steven Tyler and abortion.
Segment 2 (11:09) – More on Steven Tyler and his abortion. Abortion is often one dead, two wounded. Stephen Colbert commits blasphemy in video comparing Thor to Jesus Christ. All sin can be forgiven if you repent and put trust in Jesus Christ. No sin is bigger than The Savior.
Segment 3 (18:15) – Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort in video witnessing to a young man who believes in reincarnation. The man repents and accepts Jesus. No need for sinners prayer as it is not in the Bible.
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