by wretched_igd320 | May 17, 2016 | Abortion, Emotions, TV
– Episode 802 – Should the Church and Politics Mingle? Segment 1 (0:00) – Should the realm of the Church and the State ever intermingle? Both might want to examine themselves to determine when they are crossing a line. Can we examine exactly how the...
by wretched_igd320 | May 17, 2016 | Apologetics, Evangelism, Persecution, TV
– Episode 803 – “Occupy” People Get to Occupy, but are Christians Given the Same Rights? Segment 1 (0:00) – Looking at protestors in action; are they effective in anything, but annoying the public. Many of the modern “occupy” protestors fail to...
by wretched_igd320 | May 17, 2016 | Church, Discernment, False Teaching, TV
– Episode 804 – Ed Young and the Circus Church Segment 1 (0:00) – What do “circus churches” look like?…well take a good look. Has church become more spectacle than Gospel? Does God need props to get through to the modern world. Looking back to where...
by wretched_igd320 | May 17, 2016 | Marriage, Parenting, TV
– Episode 805 – Leading as a Husband and Father Segment 1 (0:00) – A man will lead affectively, or will lead ineffectively. No matter which way you lead; you are in fact leading? What is male headship, and why does the world hate it so much? What we...
by wretched_igd320 | May 17, 2016 | Gospel, Sanctification, Theology, TV
– Episode 806 – Steve Lawson on How to Reach the Youth Culture and Awaken a Church Segment 1 (0:00) – Serving the body of the church with the gifts God has given us. Are you “plugged in” to a local body? Do you serve your church? What is Sticky Faith...
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