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– Episode 624 –

John MacArthur Breaks Down Joel Osteen’s Theology Using the Biblical Lens

Segment 1 (1:30) – Todd introduces a video clip of John MacArthur, known as the evangelical pope, laying the spiritual smack down on televangelist Joel Osteen. Osteen has developed a board game called ‘Your Best Life Now’ that takes a person through how he or she can change his or her own life. Todd compares this game to the verse-by-verse commentaries MacArthur has written of the New Testament.

Segment 2 (10:24) – Social media and digital discernment. Todd shares 5 ways John MacArthur reminds us of the care we need to take when being on the internet and social media. We will be held accountable for what we post, the time we waste, and whether or not we are trivializing the Truth.

Segment 3 (18:47) – Word of the Day: The Council of Ephesus. This council that convened in 431 in the city of Ephesus condemned the Pelagian Heresy, but is most remembered for declaring that Mary was Theotokos, which means ‘the God-bearer’. They also affirmed that Jesus is not 2 persons, one human and one deity, but one man who is fully human and fully God.  MacArthur breaks down the silliness of a prayer Joel Osteen prays.