by wretched_igd320 | Jun 7, 2016 | Apologetics, Discernment, Evangelism, TV
– Episode 610 – A Nation of Whiners Segment 1 (1:30) – Why do we try to “out suffer” one another and feed off sympathy from other people. Is social media nothing more than a new place to complain? Exploring a few ground level causes that...
by wretched_igd320 | Jun 7, 2016 | Discernment, Evangelism, Sanctification, TV
– Episode 611 – We are Indeed Promised Abundant Blessings, but that Does Not Necessarily Mean Here on Earth Segment 1 (1:30) – Our biggest task of providing directions for the lost is one of our biggest tasks; what happens when we fail? Are we...
by wretched_igd320 | Jun 7, 2016 | Apologetics, Heresy, TV
– Episode 612 – Answers in Genesis “Ark Park” Faces Lawsuits and Atheist Scrutiny Segment 1 (1:30) – Lawsuits plague the Creation Museum in Kentucky. New York Times highlights their belief that Government giving tax breaks to AIG it is...
by wretched_igd320 | Jun 7, 2016 | Sanctification, Theology, TV
– Episode 613 – Are We Becoming Slaves to the World? Segment 1 (1:30) – How aware are we of the dangers of the world? We must be as Christian’s leaders in protecting the world from itself. We explore some of the dangerous ground that the world...
by wretched_igd320 | Jun 7, 2016 | Apologetics, Emotions, Islam, TV
– Episode 614 – Rabbi Warns of Religion’s Limits Segment 1 (1:30) – Is religion simply a placebo? Is it an easy solution to find a way to get through life? A Jewish Rabbi has trouble seeing who God is, and turns to a postmodern view. Segment 2...
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