– Episode 1985 –
A Pro-Life Apologetic Masterpiece
Presenting logical arguments against abortion.
Segment 1 (0:00) – It’s Pro-Life Month! Do you know how to defend life? Scott Klusendorf teaches us how to argue against abortion using science and statements by scientists while debating Nadine Strossen. What acronym can we use to remember how to defend life?
Segment 2 (9:40) – Scott Klusendorf explains how a child, at conception, is a whole, distinct, complete human being. The acronym S.L.E.D. (Size, Level of development, Environment, Degree of dependency) is explained.
Segment 3 (16:37) – Megan Almon and Scott Klusendorf present a breakdown of the S.L.E.D. acronym.
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