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– Episode 1769 –

Does Hebrews 6 Teach That You Can Lose Your Salvation?

Segment 1 (0:00) – Can a Christian loose his or her salvation?  Stumbling over Hebrews chapter 6.  The key hermeneutical word – ‘context’.  Taking a careful look at Hebrews chapter 6.  What is the ‘therefore’ there for?

Segment 2 (8:38) – Making our way carefully through the first 3 verses of Hebrews chapter 6.  Breaking it down verse by verse.

Segment 3 (16:46) – Hebrews chapter 6 – proving that you cannot loose your salvation.  Leaving those things behind and pressing on towards salvation.  Tackling Hebrews chapter 6 verses 4 through 8.