– Episode 1820 –
Adult Christian Coloring Books???
Look out for the prowling lion of eastern religions in the practices of yoga & mandala. Instead fill your mind with the Word which transforms us to look like Jesus.
Segment 1 (0:00) – Christian coloring books to target anxiety: child’s activity/Satan’s tool for emptying the mind as in the Art of Mandala – the eastern religious meditation practice where one becomes connected with the universe of self. Not Biblical in any way.
Segment 2 (9:16) – Christian mandala/Christian yoga – both oxymoron: 2 competing worldviews. Plays well with the postmodernity concept of individual/autonomous self. Anti-Biblical & Christian has no business wasting time & brain on these.
Segment 3 (16:08) – What God calls Christians to do with their minds: not empty them but engage them with the truth of the Word, pray, be alert to evil, renewing & transforming through the power of the Holy Spirit so we exhibit Christ to a lost & hurting world. These pagan practices have no place in the Sanctification of the Christian. Got anxiety? 1 Peter 5:7-8 Get casting!!
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