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– Episode 1800 –

The True, Non-Politically Correct History of Islam’s Violence

Todd Friel explores how political correctness is very inconsistent including by showing a video clip of John Cleese on “Real Time with Bill Maher”.  Also, Todd then specifically explores how political correctness says Islam is the religion of peace, yet the truth of 1500 years of history shows a different story.

Segment 1 (0:00) – Todd Friel uses a clip from John Cleese on the “Real Time with Bill Maher” show to explore the inconsistency of political correctness.  We are created as image bearers of God, yet The Fall profoundly impacts logic and reason, our ability to think like God. 2 Corinthians 3:18 reminds how we get back to thinking like God.  We need to focus on Jesus to continue to be sanctified. Psalm 115:4-8 reminds that unbelievers also become like that which they focus upon.  Also the John Cleese “Big Think” video is used to show this.  The kids on university campus are typical of the current thinking and therefore there is the Untethered project, formally called “The Lost Generation” to reach these individuals with the truth of Jesus and the gospel.

Segment 2 (11:26) – Todd Friel continues to explore political correctness versus the truth as it relates to Islam In a video clip, John Cleese on “Real Time with Bill Maher” brings light to the contrast.  Todd then further explores the truth about Islam by going through an article by The American Thinker called “Here’s the TRUE Non-Politically Correct History of Islam’s Violence”.  The article looks at the killings of Islam in contrast to some of the worst killing leaders in history.  Todd ties the action of Islam to the eschatological beliefs of their religion.

Segment 3 (18:37) – Todd Friel continues to explore the truth about Islam by going through an article by The American Thinker called “Here’s the TRUE Non-Politically Correct History of Islam’s Violence”.  Islam is probably responsible for more than 250 million people in its history and at least one-third of those killed in war and slavery are traceable back to Islam.  Todd also discusses the inconsistencies related to the treatment of women.