– Episode 2021 –
Church Dilemmas: Youth Group, Communion, Boredom
Three church dilemmas are presented? 1) What do I do if my youth group at church is superficial … I need authentic relationships? 2) I’m bored at church 3) Can I take communion if I am holding a grudge against the brother that is not present? Todd provides biblical answers to all three questions.
Segment 1 (0:00) – Church dilemma #1. Apostate youth pastors: Superficial youth groups and the churches that incubate them. I can’t be myself there, everybody is perfect except me.
Segment 2 (12:58) – Church dilemma #2. I’m bored at church: Are my expectations misguided? Probably. Church is where you are fed, but ultimately where God is worshiped, corporately. Perhaps you could prepare for church by studying the text that will be preached and praying about it. Get into the meat of the word.
Segment 3 (18:58) – Church dilemma #3. Should I take communion if I am holding a grudge? Four general rules about the condition of your heart when sharing the Lord’s supper. Rule #1: esteem the sacrament for what it is, a representation of what Christ has done for you. Rule #2: Examine yourself, are you in the faith? Rule #3: Do you have unconfessed sin? Rule#4: What if I am holding a grudge against a brother? Take care of it immediately! Don’t bring your grudge to church with you. Go with repentance to your brother beforehand.
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