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– Episode 1702 –

Not All Men Are Addicted to Pornography: Paul Washer

Segment 1 (0:00) – Not all men struggle with pornography.  We are commanded to flee sexual immorality.  Use biblical discernment when someone slowly fades into this sin.  Don’t lose trust in all pastors because some high profile pastors have fallen into this sin.

Segment 2 (9:37) – Why is pornography not preached against from the pulpit?  Because preachers are participating in this sin, themselves.  Abstinence is essential!  Hyper-grace movement. Stay out of the ditches of “legalism” and “hyper-grace.” There is a correct balance between the law and gospel!

Segment 3 (18:18) – Sin is not fun. Period! Not for a saint! Be holy.