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– Episode 1441 –

When the Transgender Issue Comes Home – by Josh Bishop

Segment 1 (0:00) – Clip: Michael Sam Honored with Arthur Ashe Award.  Once we were identified by our faith, now we are identified by our sexuality.  Watching the clip, what is your emotional response?  Is it Biblical?

Segment 2 (8:13) – Same-Sex Attraction in the Church by Sam Allberry.  What do those with SSA in our churches hear about their particular sin?  Can we do better without compromising the gospel?  We are talking about souls here.

Segment 3 (17:56) – When the Transgender Issue Comes Home by Josh Bishop. How do we respond when it’s a family member?  Josh Bishop has good advice to help you and the your church minister to them effectively from a position of compassion and not superiority.