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– Episode 1396 –

Jim Carrey on Jesus Christ

Segment 1 (0:00) – Jim Carrey on Jesus who “freed the world from sin”; Todd – not exactly what the Bible teaches, Jesus came to die for sinners and we are freed from the penalty of sin.  Sin is not obliterated; the curse of sin has been removed.  You must be illuminated by the Holy Spirit to “get it”.

Segment 2 (10:21) – We are unlovable and yet are loved by God.  Benham Brothers hired by HGTV to help 6 families, then fired by HGTV for being Christians before show launched.  David Benham standing in front of an abortion clinic, exalting Jesus for it being closed.

Segment3 (17:50) – Comedian Steve Harvey is surprised on his television show by a couple who helped him out during a difficult time.  We will meet family in heaven we’ve not had the opportunity to meet on earth.  Acts of kindness from non-superstar Christians.