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– Episode 1755 –

How to Find a Good Church and Leave a Bad Church.

Segment 1 (0:00) – Understand the steps of making a decision of what church to go to. Seek God’s word, seek wise counsel and pray about it. Also know your priorities and preferences for what you’re looking for. Consider whether or not you’d want your family in that church and if you are able to serve there.

Segment 2 (11:13) – Before leaving your church, be sure to talk to the pastor and pray about the decision. Be humble and don’t gossip about others in the church.

Segment 3 (19:58) – After having left your previous church and if you happen to see people from there, try your best to avoid contention. Regardless of why you may have left, don’t be bitter or try to gossip about it with them. When leaving a church, do so on good terms and don’t create hard feelings.