– Episode 1757 –
Short Attention Span Wretched: A Pastor Walks On Air and Barbie for Boys.
Segment 1 (0:00) – False teachers in Africa are deceiving people with their ‘miracles’. A lot of the news about the Christian movement in Africa is sadly false news.
Segment 2 (8:18) – Fractals-proof that God exists. Standards exist because God exists. Without God things like math and science would only be personal preferences. With creation we can get a glimpse into the infinite mind of God. The only way you can have a consistent outcome is if something is consistent.
Segment 3 (16:58) – A biblical way to compliment kids and praise them for their talents is to first recognize that they are gifts given by God. The kids still need to know they are in need of a savior and that everything thing they have is from God.
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