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– Episode 1369 –

10 Things Pastors Hate To Admit Publicly by Pastor Matt Boswell

Segment 1 (0:00) – Pastor Matt Boswell made a list which may or may not apply to your pastor.  1, We take it personally when you leave the church.

Segment 2 (7:31) – 2, We feel pressure to perform week after week.  3, We struggle with getting our worth from ministry.  4, We regularly think about quitting.  5, We say we are transparent – It’s actually opaque.

Segment 3 (16:33) – 6, We measure ourselves by the numbers.  7, We spend more time discouraged than encouraged.  8, We worry about what you think. We’re human and we want to be liked.  9, We struggle with competition and jealousy.  10, We feel as if we fail you more than we helped you.  Encourage, appreciate and pray for your pastor.