– Episode 1368 –
10 Tips To Kill Your Marriage by Rick Thomas
Segment 1 (0:00) – Two Turkey Vultures, notice a resemblance? If you think that you and I are the hideous, wretched Turkey Vultures and we feel less inclined to be condescending to the Turkey Vulture we’re married to. Rick Thomas says if you can’t embrace losing by being second in your marriage, then you will be the biggest loser of all. (Ephesians 5:21). Not only will you go down swinging, you will take your marriage down with you.
Segment 2 (8:18) – Top Ten Ways You Can Be A Winner And Kill Your Marriage. Tip#1, Always have the last word. Tip#2, Get her with a cheap shot. Tip#3, Twist her words. Tip#4, Push the,”it’s not my job worldview”. Tip#5, Never be wrong.
Segment 3 (17:19) – #6, Withhold encouragement. Tip#7, Nag him to death. Tip#8, Be overly sensitive. Fragile- over emotional. Tip#9, Over Commit. Be too exhausted, too busy, too tired for him. Tip#10, Bring up past wrongs.
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