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– Episode 1795 –

The Moon Proves the Earth Is Young

Todd has Adrian randomly select various index cards to determine the topics for the episode.  Topics covered in the episode include Agape Boarding School, the age of the earth, racism, television shows targeting a Christian audience, and the gospel as it relates to adoption.

Segment 1 (0:00) – Video clips are randomly selected for the segment including a promotional video for Agape Boarding School and an Institute for Creation Research (ICR) video on how various things in the universe show the age of the earth is only thousands of years old.  Also, Todd Friel gives a live physical illustration of angular momentum using pillows.

Segment 2 (10:17) – Video clips are randomly selected for the segment including a promotion of “America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge in a New America” written by the liberal Jim Wallis and a teaser for the “Rich in Faith” television show about the life of a pastor targeted at Christians.

Segment 3 (18:39) – A video clip is pseudo-randomly selected for the segment, an Anchored North video used in “Life is Best” describing how the gospel changed a man’s life and how as a fruit, he adopts a child who was targeted for abortion.