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– Episode 1890 –

Stressed Out: God Loves You

Don’t let your prayer be littered with requests or demands; there must also be praise, worship, and rejoicing.  Paul knew that by prayer he was able to have peace despite his circumstance.  Looking at Paul can we say that we trust in the sovereignty of God in our circumstance; is this reflected in our prayer life?  We have to accept that we may need a changing in how we think.  Changing your thinking is possible, it is Gods process that we trust in, and He begins sanctification the moment we are justified.  We need to find the right knowledge in order to fully trust in God and release the anxiety we hold on to.  Where is this knowledge found?  The Bible.  Through the word of God our minds will be renewed.

Segment 1 (0:00) – Can you really talk to God?  Jesus made clear that He has opened the door so that what we can in His name.  We can have fullness of Joy when we pray.  Prayer is an essential step to our relationship with God.  Our focus needs to be on knowing if we are praying from a heart instructed by Gods word, or selfish desires.  With this in mind, how do we discover the difference between prayer and supplication?  Referenced verses: John 16:23-24, Philippians 4:6-7, 1Peter 5:7, 1 John 5:15.

Segment 2 (9:19) – It is important to know that God loves you, it is essential that you realize this.  But we must understand love rightly.  We must also understand that He loves us despite our sinfulness.  Think not just about the cross, but about your own depravity.  Understand your sin so you can better understand what He did for us on the cross; true love.  We are truly the worst of the worst, but God loved us anyway.  Take time to ponder this truth; that God loves you … despite you.  Referenced verses: John 16:27, Ephesians 3:14-19, 1 John 4:9-11, Galatians 2:20, John 3:16, Romans 5:8, Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:6-11.

Segment 3 (18:54) – In Stressed Out: A Practical, Biblical Approach to Anxiety we learn your goal in life is to not, not be stressed out … ?  If this is the case, then what is your goal in life?  We can have a truly joy filled life, where anxiety will fade as our eyes refocus on God and stop looking at us.  How do we do this?  God will not wait to begin changing us; He gladly begins right now, at the very moment we were reconciled to Him.  Referenced verses: John 15:9-11, Colossians 3:10-11.