– Episode 1253 –
Interview with Tom Pennington
Segment 1 (0:00) – Interview with Tom Pennington. We need to be better stewards of our time, stop wasting them on video games. Get involved in the life of the Church. Be faithful in your attendance.
Segment 2 (6:19) – Daily disciplines to get yourself on the way to wisdom. Spend time in the Word. Make the time! God’s use of suffering to help us grow.
Segment 3 (14:14) – Walking through suffering is all how we respond to it. We must trust God’s plan and not respond with bitterness. It’s not what you feel, it’s what you know. We find out what we know from the Word. We must stay in the Bible. God is a father who knows, who cares, and who loves us and is in control of everything.
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