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– Episode 1177 –

Muslim War on Women & Children with a Side of Abortionist Employees Murdering Innocents

Segment 1 (0:00) – NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNG CHILDREN.  Acts 17 Apologetics report: Global war on women & children at the hands of the religion of Islam.  Historically, Christianity has spoken up for women, elevated their position, given women respect & dignity as created in the image of God.  Yet the voice of humanistic feminism is silent on the gang rape, mass pedophilia, & child sexual exploitation in Great Britain–cue the crickets.

Segment 2 (8:45) – Islam teaching – non muslim women are lower than cattle.  Seeking world domination & subjugation of non-muslims.  Rampant confusion on the understanding of history of civilization . Despite overwhelming evidence of Christianity furthering “good” causes, we are accused of being “everything that is wrong with our world.”  This with Pastor Saheed still in prison for (gasp) building an orphanage.  Terrifying: cries for the enforcement of Sharia Law in Great Britain.  And the Islamic war on women & children continues.

Segment 3 (18:08) – Interview with abortionists.Employees detailing the murder of babies born alive at abortion clinics.