– Episode 880 –
Grill-A-Christian – Part 2
Segment 1 (0:00) – Grill-A-Christian, part 2 has Todd speaking of creation being vast, intricate and beautiful and so is our Creator. If we communicate, does our Creator communicate? If we look at all the holy books written – the Bible is the only one that makes sense; it proves itself; it deals with why we are here and our purpose. It deals with man’s conscience issue. A student who read the Koran in Arabic challenges Todd on understanding it. The scientific meaning of nothing gets clarified.
Segment 2 (5:39) – Todd answers the question what would it take for him to deconstruct his belief in Jesus Christ. Then answers a question of a young earth creation and the fossils being millions of years old.
Segment 3 (13:58) – A young man challenges Todd’s earlier comment about the beauty of creation and God’s beauty when there are many horrible, ugly aspects of creation in addition to human evil that ninety percent of life on earth has become extinct. Todd responds with discussing God’s three types of will. God’s perfect will; God’s permissive will, and a providential will. The Bible explains evil better than any other holy book or philosophy and God will judge every person based on what they did and get eternal, conscious torment or God will judge based on what Jesus did for us. Continues on the next episode.
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