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– Episode 874 –

Political Ads are Very Derogatory to Their Opponent

Segment 1 (0:00) – Political ads from of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams very nasty lies and insults toward each other. An HBO documentary is mentioned on John Adams and some of the other framers of our constitution drawing up what the meaning of a representative republic should be. Christians should be talking to people who disagree with them in a loving way. A video of a rude preacher insulting Rosie O’Donnell. A list of advice on How to Disagree Online without being a Total Jerk.

Segment 2 (8:07) – A funny video from Tim Hawkins on how to raise your hands in worship in Church. Also using hand sanitizer in Church. A list from Tim Challies about asking better questions about Church. It shouldn’t be the number of people in a Church but how is God working in your church; it’s spiritual growth of it’s people.

Segment 3 (16:24) – What did Jesus mean when he said you must become like a little child to inherit the Kingdom of God? A video of a little boy singing Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. We worry what impression we make on others; what we look like and act before others but we should be in complete adoration of Jesus alone that the rest does not matter. Another video of a Calgary policeman confiscating pictures of aborted babies from an anti-abortion group showing them on the street citing complaints about the offensive images.